In case anyone is curious about what I’ve been up to, here’s the latest. I was contacted by a book publisher in the UK a couple of months ago and asked if I would consider writing a book on composition in painting. I decided to go for it and I’m now busy writing and planning. It’s not a sure thing though, the process has tight deadlines and needs further approval before (and if) it get published. I’m thrilled to spend so much time researching composition in painting and even if the book doesn’t get published it will have been worth it. The down side is that I have no time to paint and constantly wanting to throw my computer out the window!
would love to have a copy of this book on COMPOSITION. I am intrigued. HOwdo I go about it? did it happen?
Sorry I didn’t see your comment until just now. The book is still in this long approval process before the publisher decides to publish or not. If they ultimately decline I may go forward with something similar on my own or with another publisher. I’m also interested in adding a video component. Either way I’ll let you know when I know more but don’t wait – lots of great information and books already out there!