Abogados 18″ x 24″ Oil on Canvas 10/2008
Before I moved to San Diego last year I was in the middle or almost finished several paintings I was working from life near where I lived in Jamaica Plain. I recently returned to these painting finishing them from photos and memory.
Larry, this is such a wonderful painting. When I was growing in the 1950s-60s, Hyde Square was the center of my world. Not too far down from this corner (Sheridan Street?) was a 5&10 cent store where every kid spent their Saturdays. Thank you for recreating it in its glory days, mail boxes and all!
Thank you Barbara, that means a lot to me to hear you say that. I got to Hyde Square a bit later than you. I moved there in the early 70’s and lived within 8 or 10 blocks until almost 3 years ago.
This painting is for sale for anyone who might be interested. Let me know, I’d let it go for a very reasonable amount.
Interested in knowing if your print of Hyde square was sold and if not what is asking price. Grew up there also and love the print!
Love this painting. JP is where I grew up. Do you have more? Are they for sale?
yes, you can contact me via email, see the contact page or